New World’s Family2Family Foodbank Appeal Is Back!

New World’s Family2Family Foodbank Appeal is up and running for 2023, and ends on Sunday, May 7th. 

Shoppers can visit their local New World, fill a bag of foodbank-friendly products, or choose a pre-filled $20 Family2Family bag, drop it in the store collection point, and the New World team will get bags from our region to us. Here at the Christchurch City Mission we very much appreciate the boost it will give to the stock levels in our foodbank, especially in the lead-up to winter.

We are facing heavy demand - in March this year alone we provided 54,480 meals to 4,668 people! These numbers are very hard to sustain without the help from our kind donors and campaigns like this and we are so thankful for the support.

What are foodbank-friendly products?
We are in urgent need of non-perishable products that are typical household essentials, including non-food products like soap, toothpaste, shampoo and sanitary products. Look out for foodbank-friendly food products highlighted in your local New World.

  • Tins of soup, baked beans, spaghetti, fruit and vegetables, soup, kidney beans, mixed beans, chickpeas, tomatoes, pasta sauce.

  • Things that make a hearty base of a meal like rice, pasta and noodles are good.

  • Breakfast cereal is a great staple and things for the pantry like sugar, flour, tea bags and crackers.

New World will match customer donations by making a $20 contribution to us for every Family2Family bag dropped off at our local New World stores. We are grateful to the local New Worlds who are supporting us and for everyone who takes the opportunity to help keep our shelves stocked.

Emmy Buxton