Update from the Foodbank

Winter is the hardest time for the people we care for. Everything that’s a problem in their lives seems harder when it’s colder and darker. 

Our Foodbank was hit hard by demand in March as Covid impacted on struggling people. Covid was still hurting families through April and now we are seeing a big jump in need from those who have come out of Covid isolation and find themselves in bad shape without enough food.

Some haven’t been to work for weeks as different people in the house came down with Covid. They have used up all their leave, or simply lost the casual jobs they were relying on. Some are starting completely from scratch and that means empty cupboards.

Over April we fed about 3800 Christchurch people and that means at least 9 meals for each person because we make sure our food boxes are generous and we give good, filling, healthy food.

We get support in many ways and one big help to our Foodbank supplies this winter is the New World Family2Family campaign that runs over the first two weeks of May.

New Worlds are encourages customers to visit their local World and fill up a paper bag with foodbank-friendly products, or select one of the $20 pre-filled Family2Family bags online, or in-store – and the team will make sure the donations get to the local foodbank or City Mission.

We are grateful to the local New Worlds who are supporting us this winter and for everyone who takes the opportunity to help keep our shelves stocked.

Ewan Sargent